I loved this, it's like a short film! Everything fitted well together, and I loved the whole adventure style plot. Top marks for originality aswell, I can't wait for more =D
I loved this, it's like a short film! Everything fitted well together, and I loved the whole adventure style plot. Top marks for originality aswell, I can't wait for more =D
my thoughts...
I thought the drawings were good, nice effects at time. But the red circle started to give me a seizure... I think after a while it started to get bland, but it's heading in the right direction - definitely keep the style
its alright, quite funny at the end.. but I dont think it deserves 3.5
Thanks for the comment. That's what the voting system is for...
Used the song from the fith element!! Luvs that song!
not bad at all
I though at the begging with the circles, that this would be poor, but it seemed to get better and better! Good stuff =D
loves it =D
I recon the best part has gotta be the teacher at the beggining lol
Good work!
with a sledge hammer...
smash their heads against a brick wall. Every chav deserves to have their guts pulled out through their nose.... twice =)
as to the nut below me.... hmm.. any english in your vocab?
Im Glad it ressonated with your softer emotions
on the fucking contary...
I totaly agree with you. People that don't want the smoking law can go fuck themselves, it's not about doing what they want to do, but affecting the rest of us. Inhailing the smoke from someone else's cigy is just as bad for you, and in away standing near a smoker is slowly killing you.
I like your attitude, and your score :)
Joined on 11/17/06