Originaly, funny, random, I loved it. nice to see games like this come through the portal every now and then :)
Originaly, funny, random, I loved it. nice to see games like this come through the portal every now and then :)
Well, the gameplay is a bit choppy and glitchy at times, but the main thing that gets me is the grahpics. tweening jpegs looks naff. end of. also using more original sprites than aliens and predators would have been nice.
Pretty good
With a name like rock transporter i was a bit skeptical about how much fun this would be, but theres something about games where you can upgrade things that just make me want to complete them! The art was great, game ran smoothly with no bugs, one thing that did get a bit annoying was the music loop. Perhaps have some shortcut keys for "next track" instead of just having the option to mute.
Also the rocks seemed to have quite big, uh, whats the word, hitbox? Like it would be better if the rocks could touch instead of floating ontop of each other.
Otherwise I enjoyed it :)
solid game
Its was pretty decent, and i liked the way the ships looked 3D. You included options and in-game upgrades that a game like this should have, so the only thing i would recommend is including levels next time. having continous action can get tiresome, and perhaps a pause menu could be added.
that said i did enjoy playing it :)
it was fun, a bit like a flash version of command and conquer. well exactly like that. but the woman saying "construction complete" sounded really arsey and sarcastic LOL
just did level 15
*pant pant*
good game :)
good.. but on level 43 when you drag the text, if you drag it and your mouse goes out of the flash game, when you move your mouse back in the game you cannot drop the text. so that kinda sucks. but apart from that it was fun
Yeah.... but you have to click again to drop the text.... that's part of the challenge...
took me ages to complete, but I got there in the end!
but what's the point of the floss?? It has no use?!?
Also I was convinced I could use the mirror to deflect the lazor beems but sadly no it did not work :(
Joined on 11/17/06